Register 3 to 10 people for $4,895
You must be from a client / manufacturer company and purchase this package prior to the late registration date.
Register up to 5 people for $5,895
You must be a 2018 member and purchase this package prior to the late registration date.
Early member rate $1,495
Regular member rate $1,895
Late registration fee $2,295
You must be a 2018 member to register.
Non-member rate $1,995
Regular non-member $2,595
Late non-member $2,995

Early rate expires August 17
Registration fees include cost for all sessions, meeting materials and meals.
You will contact the hotel directly to reserve a room.
Special offer! If you or a colleague are new to Intellus Worldwide (legacy PBIRG and PMRG) and have not attended a conference in the past, you can apply for a $500 registration rate to attend this conference. Marketing research, insights, analytics, business intelligence and marketing professionals employed within the following types of companies can contact to apply for this promotion:
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers including Specialty, Orphan Drug, Biosimilars & Generics
Biotech Manufacturers
Device Manufacturers
Diagnostic Manufacturers
Hospital and Physician Networks
Accountable Care Organizations