Event Details Coming Soon

Intellus Worldwide is providing a $500 budget for each event.  To get involved in planning, contact Heidi Boyle.

Here are the LinkedIn groups already set up to support each event.  Click below to join your local group.

Dallas Ft. Worth LinkedIn Group - Event Lead Laura Quinn

Once dates and locations are finalized, the page will be updated and communications will be sent via Intellus email and these LinkedIn groups.

RSVP for the events will be open soon.

Boston Hotel Rooms

Click here to reserve your room at the Marriott Boston Newton at the $259 group rate before May 22.  

Please contact andrea@intellus.org with any questions.

Event Sponsors

Event Sponsor - $2,000 (3 available for each)
Introduce a presenter at the event, recognized as event sponsor in emails, social posts, agenda and event digital signage, can send in giveaways placed at hospitality desk.

To reserve your sponsorship, please email Stephanie Sheffler.