2026 Officers and Directors Information Become a member of the Intellus Leadership if you are dedicated to the success of your health insights and analytics industry and want to steer future Intellus initiatives that best serve our community. Nominations for candidates for Officer and Director positions are due July 11.
Intellus Worldwide is looking for leaders who create a balanced Board of Directors and Executive Committee, exhibit strong strategic skills, and are committed to serving our membership and organization. Officers and Directors to be selected Vice President Secretary/Treasurer One Director-at-Large (Manufacturer) - Biotech, Diagnostics, Medical Device, Pharma One Director-at-Large (Non-Manufacturer) - Full Service MR, Tech Provider / B2B, Research Services Position Terms Vice President serves a three-year term advancing to President and Chairman of the Board Secretary/Treasurer serve a one-year term in calendar year 2025 Directors-at-Large serve a two-year term in calendar years 2025 and 2026 Eligibility All candidates must be Intellus Worldwide Members Candidates may not be paid consultants or employees of Intellus Worldwide Candidates for Vice President must presently service or previously have served as an Officer, Director-at-Large, or the chair of a standing committee Candidates for Directors-at-Large may not be the current President or Vice President All Candidates must Submit Nomination Form (Below) One Paragraph per bullet point for each of the following five "selection criteria" to be no longer than two pages in total length Motivation, Commitment/Dedication, Vision, Professional Experience, Leadership Nominee Biography
The deadline for nomination submissions is July 11, 2025. Once you have submitted this form, please send your written abstract to Stephanie Sheffler at Stephanie@intellus.org by July 11, 2025. If you would like to suggest a nominee or have any additional questions, please contact Stephanie Sheffler.
Please click here for additional details, including duties and the selection process.
For questions regarding this form please email Andrea at info@intellus.org