Task Force Members
Diana Pohle, BioMarin Pharmaceuticals
Scott von Lutcken
Jill Lin, Pfizer
Jay Subramanian, Boehringer-Ingelheim
Jarod Ricci, GSK
Lee Jarm, Takeda
Luke Szerbinski, SAGO
Arvind Balasundaram, Regeneron
Jason Brodsky, Vertex
Stephane Auvergne, Sanofi
Daryl Travis, Brand Trust
Mohit Gour, Market Xcel
Lisa Griffith, Chiesi
Dominic Cocco, SERMO
Peter Simpson, Sarasota Ventures
Bhagwan Aggarwal
Sara Bell, ZoomRx
Claire Macchia, DayOne Strategy
Kenneth Kirsch, Aveo Oncology
Diane Waters, Amgen
Noel Theodosiou, Luminous
Monica Kapoor, SERMO
Doreen Clark, Way to Goal Business Insights
Lisa Courtade, Organon
Debbie Llewelyn, HawkPartners
Fabrice Dussol, AplusA Research
Paul Allen, Michael Allen Company
Madhunika Raghavan, Envision Health
Martha Karras, InStar Research
Lynn Ricker, knowvanta
Kristen Backor, CRA
Shana Traina, Johnson & Johnson
David Berman
Deanna Bordeman, Avidity Biosciences

For the benefit of the profession as well as the future of comprehensive insights at corporations, Intellus Worldwide, as the primary advocacy group for health insights and analytics, has created this Integral Insights Taskforce to help resolve this issue and advocate for the importance and absolute necessity of fully-staffed, funded and utilized market research department in all health and life sciences organizations.

Mission:  The Integral Insights Taskforce aims to maximize the value of PMR and analytics in an era of competing resources to help healthcare organizations optimize insights using all available tools. 

The team has outlined the following objectives: 

1) To enhance understanding of the value of PMR and Analytics among decision-makers to renew their commitment to Insights and foster their ongoing advocacy / support, and

2) To provide education/training on value of insights functions, and their appropriate role in supporting commercial efforts. 

Informed by Ad Board learnings and roundtables with the membership, near term initiatives are aimed to foster engagement in the cause amongst C-Level / Senior Executives and to deliver strategically aligned conference sessions at Intellus events.

To join the team, email Heidi Boyle.